Quick Searching File or Directory Name

You can quickly find any desired name in the list of directories and files. Just start typing a name, and the first name with the typed prefix will be focused. You can extend this prefix with Right arrow key, and on the contrary you can clip this prefix with Left arrow key or Backspace key. To focus the next or previous name with the same prefix, use Down or Up arrow key. To leave quick search mode, use Escape key.

While Altap Salamander is in quick search mode, following keys are used for walking through files and directories which matches quick search mask: Up, Down, Page Up, Page Down, Home, End, Shift+Up, Shift+Down, Shift+Page Up, Shift+Page Down, Shift+Home, Shift+End, Alt+Up, Alt+Down, Alt+Home, and Alt+End. Keys with Shift modifier select or unselect files and directories and keys with Alt modifier walk only through selected files and directories. See Main Window Keyboard Shortcuts.

Advanced Usage

When you type slash (/), backslash (\), or less than (<) character, it will substitute any part of name (similar to '*' in file masks). Trailing dot (.) character is ignored when name has no extension. Examples:

When you typeIt will find names Corresponding file mask
/lefile.txt, less.exe, bmp.rle, etc.*le*
pro/.htmpromote.html, prototype.htm, professional.htm, etc.pro*.htm*
/.htmany.htm, page.htm, index.html, etc.*.htm*
/g.flag, flag.txt, etc. Note: it will not find name pic.jpg.*g.*

Note for German users: you can use the same key in English and German keyboard layout, because backslash (\) and less than (<) characters have the same functionality in quick search mode.


When check box Redirect typing from panel to Command line in Configuration/Panels is checked, use Alt+letter to enter to quick search mode.