Plugins Manager

Use this dialog to install, remove, configure, test, and unload plugins in Altap Salamander. Use the Plugins Manager command from the Plugins menu to open this dialog.

Dialog Box Options

Installed Plugins
Contains a list of all plugins installed in Altap Salamander. You can see plugin's name, if it is loaded in memory, the version of plugin, and plugin's module filename. It is possible to change order of plugins, use the Alt+Up and Down Arrows keys or the Move Item Up/Down buttons on a toolbar in upper right corner of the listview. Order of plugins is used in the Plugins menu, the Change Drive Menu, the Plugin Bar, the Options/Plugin Configuration menu, and the Help/About Plugin menu.
Opens the Add Plugins dialog box where you can install new plugins to Altap Salamander.
Removes the focused plugin from Altap Salamander. Plugin's files remain on the disk and the plugin can be added to Altap Salamander again whenever you need it.
Configures the selected plugin. This button is disabled if the focused plugin cannot be configured.
Opens the Plugin Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box where you can assign shortcut keys to plugin menu commands.
Use this button to test if the focused plugin can be loaded.
Test All
Tries to load all plugins.
Unloads the focused plugin from memory. This button is disabled if the focused plugin is not loaded.
Displays the About dialog box for the focused plugin.
Closes this dialog and focuses the plugin's module file in the active panel.
Show plugin icon in Plugin bar
Menu commands of all plugins with the Menu Extension function (see the Menu Extension section in Using Plugins) can be accessible from the Plugin bar. If you want to show a button for this plugin's menu on the Plugin bar, tick this box.
Show FS item in Change Drive menu and Drive bar
All plugins with the File System function (see the File System section in Using Plugins) can add an item for its file system to the Change Drive menu. Tick this box if you want the item for this plugin's file system in the Change Drive menu.

See Also

Managing Plugins