Change Attributes

Allows you to change access rights (attributes) on Unix FTP servers.


Owner: Read, Write, Execute (Access)
Group: Read, Write, Execute (Access)
Others: Read, Write, Execute (Access)
Specify new access rights for owner, group, and others. When checked, the right will be set. When cleared, the right will be cleared. When the check box is in third state, the right will be preserved (it will stay as is).
Numeric value
You can also set access rights using their octal representation. First digit is for owner rights, second for group rights, and third for others rights. Numerical values for rights are these: 1 = Execute (Access), 2 = Write, 4 = Read. Use '-' character to preserve all rights (e.g. "6-0" means read and write for owner, preserve group rights, and no rights for others). Note: it is not possible to preserve only some part of rights (e.g. only read for owner) in this way.
Include subdirectories
When checked, it will process also files and directories in selected subdirectories. Otherwise it will process only selected subdirectories (without content).
Change attributes of files
When checked, selected files (and also files in subdirectories if Include subdirectories is checked) will be processed. Otherwise it will skip all files.
Change attributes of directories
When checked, selected directories (and also directories in subdirectories if Include subdirectories is checked) will be processed. Otherwise it will skip all directories.

See Also

Changing Access Rights (Unix)