Organizing Bookmarks

This command allows you to organize and edit your FTP bookmarks.

To organize or edit bookmarks:

  1. Open the Organize Bookmarks dialog box:
    Menu:Plugins/FTP Client/Organize Bookmarks
  2. Focus the bookmark you want to edit or change its position.
  3. You can edit parameters of the focused bookmark by editing values displayed in this dialog box.
  4. Change position of the focused bookmark using drag&drop or Move Up/Down commands from the context menu (right click on a bookmark or use the Shift+F10 key to open this menu).
  5. Use the New button to add new bookmark.
  6. Use the Rename button to rename the focused bookmark.
  7. Use the Remove button to delete the focused bookmark.
  8. Click the Close button to confirm your changes. Click the Cancel button to forget them.

See Also

Organize Bookmarks dialog box