
Allows you to change advanced options in the viewer and thumbnailer.


Ignore original thumbnails stored in image files (slower)
When checked, all thumbnails will be prepared from full size images (it is slow, but most accurate). This is useful if your images contain incorrect or too low quality thumbnails and you don't want to update these thumbnails.
Do not create thumbnails of images with more than ??? megapixels
You can specify here the maximal size of image (the default is 90 megapixels or 90 million pixels) for which PictView should prepare thumbnail. It is just an optimization (preparing of thumbnail for too big image may take too much time or clog your computer for a while).
Autorotate EXIF JPEG images (digital camera pictures)
Modern digital cameras indicate in the JPEG image file whether the image is portrait-mode or even upside-down. When checked, PictView determines this rotation and automatically rotates the image to the correct orientation for display. It may take some time on larger images on slower computers.
Show message box on successful file save
When checked, you will be informed about every successful save of image by a message box. When unchecked, only a short information will be displayed in the Status bar until the mouse is moved.
Remember path when saving screenshots, scans, clipboard pastes
This checkbox controls which folder is offered as the default one when saving a screen capture, scanned document or an image pasted from the clipboard. When checked, the folder used for the last image of these types is offered. When unchecked, the current path of the active panel of Salamander is offered, or the last one, if an archive or file system plugin (such as FTP) is currently opened in the active panel.