Copying File or Directory Name to Clipboard

You can use Altap Salamander to copy the focused filename as text. You can then paste the filename into another application or text box in the dialog box. This can save you the time of retyping the filename, and minimize possibility of making errors in typing the name of the file.

To copy full path to focused file or directory to the clipboard:

Menu:Edit/Copy Path + Name as Text
Shortcut key:Alt+Insert

To copy focused file or directory name to the clipboard:

Menu:Edit/Copy Name as Text
Shortcut key:Alt+Shift+Insert

To copy current path in panel to the clipboard:

Menu:Edit/Copy Path as Text
Shortcut key:Ctrl+Alt+Insert

To copy UNC path to focused file or directory to the clipboard:

Menu:Edit/Copy UNC Path + Name as Text
Shortcut key:Ctrl+Shift+Insert

See Also

Using Clipboard to Perform File and Directory Operations