
Specifies how Altap Salamander reads icons and catches refresh events.

Dialog Box Options

Use automatic refresh
When checked, refresh of panel depends on change notifications from Windows. Otherwise refreshing of panel will be forced after each panel operation and main window activation (when you return from other application). Monitoring of change notifications is overall better option.
Use simple icons
When checked, only the simple symbols instead of default icons provided by the system will be shown in the panels. This is useful for slow-speed media such as floppy disks, where obtaining default icons can slow down browsing.
Network drives: Use automatic refresh
When checked, panels are refreshed when they receive change notifications from Windows (you will see all changes on network drive made from other computer). But always they are also refreshed after each panel operation and main window activation (this can be suppressed, see next option). This is because some network drives (e.g. Samba on Linux, unfortunately it's not possible to distinguish it from common Windows network drive) do not send change notifications properly, so panel contents were not updated properly.
Network drives: Do not refresh on activation of Salamander
When checked, network drives are not refreshed on main window activation (when you return from other application). On some network drives (e.g. Samba on Linux) you will have to refresh panel content manually if you turn on this option.
If path in panel is inaccessible, go to
Specify the path where to go if path in panel becomes inaccessible (you remove medium from CD/DVD drive, the network is not available, USB stick is unplugged, etc.).