;Altap Self-Extractor Settings

;This is sample settings file for Altap Self-Extractor. All values
;used here are the default values.
;File format syntax:
;Lines beginning with ';' character are treated as comments and are
;ignored while processing settings file.
;All variables except version are optional. If the variable isn't
;found in the settings file, its default value is used.
;Default values for language dependent variables (dlg_text, dlg_title,
;button_text) are taken from the sfx package.
;All string values, including null strings, should be enclosed in
;double quotes. To enter double quotes in the string use two
;subsequent double quotes.
;Numbers cannot be enclosed in double quotes.

;version of the settings file, current version is 2
;this is the only mandatory variable


;target directory specification, it could be either absolute path
;or relative path; relative path is relative to current directory
;when sfx executable is launched
;you could also use predefined variables at the beginning (!)
;of the 'target_dir' string:
;  $(Temp)      temporary directory, should stand only alone
;               in the target_dir field not followed by any path
;               portion
;  $(ProgFiles) user's 'Program Files' folder
;  $(WinDir)    windows directory
;  $(SysDir)    system directory
;  $[variable]  value of an environment variable described by
;               'variable'
;  $<regkey>    value of registry key value described by 'regkey'
;  e.g SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProgramFilesDir


;specify whether the user can change a target directory when
;set its value to 1 if you want to enable this


;specify whether to remove extracted files in the temporary folder
;when a program specified by the 'command' variable is finished
;set its value to 1 if you want to remove the temporary files
;use of this variable make sense only if 'target_dir' is set to
;"$(Temp)", otherwise the value is ignored


;This option enables you to wait for another process than the process
;you specified in the field 'Command'. After this process is finished
;the self-extractor removes temporary files and then finishes itself.
;It is necessary only if the installation program launches another
;executable which continues installation while the original installation
;program is finished.
;In this manner behaves e.g like some versions of Install Shield.
;This option is ignored unless 'remove_temp' is set to 1.


;specify whether to start extraction automatically when a user runs
;self-extracting archive
;set its value to 1 if you want the extraction to begin automatically


;specify whether to show a message box notifying of the operation
;success after files extracting is finished
;set its value to 1 if you want to show operation summary


;specify whether to show the main dialog of self-extractor
;set its value to 1 if you don't want to show the main sfx dialog
;use of this variable makes sense only if 'autostart' is set to 1,
;otherwise the value is ignored


;specify whether to overwrite automatically all files in target
;set its value to 1 if you want the files to be overwritten


;specify whether to create target directory automatically without asking
;set its value to 1 if you want the target directory to be created


;program, http link or document to be run/opened when the files
;extraction is successfully finished, the path is relative to the
;extraction target directory, if you specify a program you can also
;type in its arguments


;sfx package to be used when creating self-extracting archive
;relative path is relative to the directory with zip2sfx.exe


;buttons in the optional message box
;could be one of the following: "ok", "ok_cancel", "yes_no",


;type of the optional message box
;could be one of the following: "simple", "exclamation", "information",
;"question", "long_message"


;text and title of the optional message box, which is shown before
;the extraction begins
;if you don't want to display any message box leave both fields
;empty ("")


;text which will be displayed in the main self-extractor's dialog

dlg_text="This will extract ZIP archive."

;title of the main self-extractor's dialog

dlg_title="Self-Extracting ZIP Archive"

;text in the extract button of the main sfx dialog


;vendor name in bottom-left corner of main sfx dialog

vendor="Altap Self-Extractor © 2000-2019 ALTAP"

;www link in bottom-right corner of main sfx dialog


;files containing icon data, it can be either an ICO file or an PE
;executable file (like win32 EXEs or DLLs) containing the icon
;relative path is relative to the directory with zip2sfx.exe


;positive value means the index of an icon in the executable file
;specified by 'icon_file' variable
;negative value means a resource ID of the icon
;for ICO files the index is always 0 and its value is ignored


;requires administrative privileges to run on Windows Vista or later
