Changing Directory

The panel displays the list of files and directories from its current directory. Current directories of left and right panels are independent, so you can view two unrelated directories at the same time. The current directory is specified by its full disk, archive, or plugin file system path which is displayed in the Directory Line.

We will present ways of changing the current directory in the panel.

Changing Directory Relatively to the Current Directory

Function Shortcut Note
Enter Focused Directory Enter, double-click, or Ctrl+Page Down Changes the current directory to focused (or double-clicked) directory.
Back (in directories history) Alt+Left Arrow Changes the current directory to the previous directory (the directory which was the current directory before change to actual current directory).
Forward (in directories history) Alt+Right Arrow Undoes the Back function. Changes the current directory to the next directory.
Go to parent directory Backspace or Ctrl+Page Up Changes the current directory to the parent directory (or stays in the root directory).
Go to root directory Shift+Backspace or Ctrl+\ Changes the current directory to the root directory.
Go to shorten path Click Click on the shorten path in the Directory Line. The shorten paths are highlighted as you move mouse pointer over path components.

Other Ways of Changing Directory

To Change the Current Directory to Use Note
a directory placed on some other local or network drive, the Documents folder, a shared directory on a computer on the network (the Network item), a directory on some plugin file system, a directory opened in other panel, or a directory defined as a Hot Path Left/Change Drive (Alt+F1) or Right/Change Drive (Alt+F2) Opens the Change Drive menu for left or right panel.
a directory placed on some other local or network drive, the Documents folder, a shared directory on a computer on the network (the Network item), or a directory on some plugin file system Click Click in the Drive Bar.
the last visited (or root) directory of local or network drive Shift+drive letters E.g. the Shift+C key for drive "C:".
a specified disk, archive, or plugin file system path Commands/Change Directory (Shift+F7) Uses Change Directory dialog box and works with full or relative disk paths, archive paths, and plugin file system paths specified by user.
a shared directory on a computer on the network Ctrl+` or Ctrl+, Uses the Network item from the Change Drive menu.
a directory opened in other panel Left or Right/Go To/Path from Other Panel (Ctrl+.) This command is useful for changing directory of panel to be the same as directory displayed in other panel.
a disk, archive, or plugin file system path specified by text on clipboard Edit/Paste (Ctrl+V) Works with full or relative disk paths, archive paths, and plugin file system paths from clipboard.
a disk, archive, or plugin file system path specified by dropped text or directory Drag & Drop Drag text or directory to the Directory Line. Works with full or relative disk paths, archive paths, and plugin file system paths. You can also drag text from the Directory line of other panel.